Wednesday, October 27, 2010


I rest among the clouds.
Seeing life from a distance
Makes it a farce of the human condition

I gather the stars
Weave a blanket of dreams

I bend and twist time
Detached from this world

Altered perceptions
Fantastic and vivid
Idyllic fields of the greenest grass grow
In my heart, my mind, my soul

With my feet trapped in captivity
My imagination running free
I hunger for a glimpse
Of felicity unbridled
By the crushing truth of reality

The angry cry out
And the hurting moan
Consumed with the longing
For a happy home
That won't exist
Without making their own

So hold to your laughter
Cause bliss is ephemeral
Evaporating quick
Like the breath from my lips

Just escaping
Higher, higher, high
Like the earnest wishes
On first stars
In the night sky